Tuesday, December 16, 2008



WireTap Magazine is a magazine dedicated to publishing journalism by, for and about young people. They accept articles from all generations but mostly from youth and young adults, ages 16 to 28.

Submitted stories should discuss issues important to young people today such as youth activism, war and peace, civil and human rights, race, immigration, education, environment, culture, sex and relationships, media and more.

WireTap publishes news reports, features, investigative stories, personal voices, op-eds, reviews and interviews. Stories should be between 800 and 1,800 words and pay is between $50 to $200.


How should I submit my story?

1. The first step is to join the WireTap community by subscribing to our weekly newsletter. Reading our stories will help you get a sense of the writing that we publish and issues that we cover.

2. You must read and follow WireTap's code of ethics.

3. Please send us a one paragraph (3-to-5 sentences) story idea before you get started on your piece. However, we will review complete drafts as well. Definitely include a resume and two writing samples or links to your work. Please send all story ideas and submissions to Submissions AT WireTapMag.org.

Do I get paid?

Yes, if we publish it. Our payments vary from $50-250 per story depending on the amount of reporting and analysis.

Can my story be about my own experiences? Or should it be more detached?

Some of the best stories we publish are based on a writer's own experiences. But there's a difference between writing your own story and reporting another story. How much of yourself you put into the story is up to you. The important thing is that you stay honest, accurate, fair, and report with integrity. Be clear in disclosing any connections you may have with the topic, organizations, or individuals in your story.

Will my work be fact-checked?

WireTap rigorously fact-checks assigments and, to a lesser extent, submissions. Our writers are still primarily responsible for the accuracy of their work, and as a non-profit media outlet, our resources for fact-checking are limited. All writers are required to submit a list of sources for all the information in your story with the first draft, as well as agree to the terms in our Writer's Contract that will be emailed to you.

Are you looking for a particular style of news reporting?

There is no one particular WireTap style, but we aim to be entertaining, informative, and hard-hitting. Every writers style may vary, but we expect our reporters to interview multiple sources for their stories, and follow the guidelines of our Code of Ethics.

It looks like most of your stories come from a progressive perspective. Does my submission have to come from a particular point of view?

Not at all. WireTap is committed to independent journalism and we encourage our writers to report every side of the story whenever possible. But do keep in mind why we are here.

WireTap is here to fill the void left by maintream media. When mainstream news media fails to perform their public duty to hold leaders accountable and give voice to disenfranchised communities, alternative journalism steps in. The issues raised in our stories challenge the status quo and, by definition, are progressive. Our editors and contributors are dedicated to fair, accurate and honest in-depth journalism about topics of concern for today's youth, and to training a new generation to make the news for themselves.

Please check out our resource guide for new and young journalists that offers tips on writing, reporting, interviewing, editing and grammar, as well as a Code of Ethics and web resources for writers.

Can I post my story on other sites too?

We encourage you to reprint your stories. All original WireTap content can be reprinted at no charge, but it must include the following tagline, "This story originally appeared on WireTapMag.org." We also requite that you notify us if your piece is reprinted at Submissions AT WireTapMag.org.

I don't have a story, but I have a good idea for a story. Can I pitch it to you?

Yes. Please send it to Submissions AT WireTapMag.org.

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